Reading Tips
- Make reading FUN
- Keep reading aloud to your child no matter how old they are
- Share the reading – take turns
- Read in your first language
- Read a variety of texts, e.g. books, magazines, newspapers, the TV guide, recipes, poems, rhymes, emails, junkmail, letters...

- Play card and board games together
- Sing waiata/songs together
- Read poems and make up rhymes together
- Point out words in the environment such as road signs, shop signs, advertisements...
- Play word games, e.g. “I Spy”, “Simon Says”
- Visit the library regularly and get your child to choose books to share
- Link stories to your own lives/experiences
- Talk about the pictures in the book
- Encourage your child to retell favourite stories or parts of stories in their own words

- Help your child with any words they don’t understand – look them up in the dictionary together
- Ask who their favourite character in the story is and why
- Get them to predict what they think might happen next
- Ask them what they have learnt from their reading
- Talk a lot with your child while you are doing things together
- Encourage your child to read to younger members of the family, whanau or grandparents as this will give them the opportunity to practise reading aloud
- Ask other family members to read to your child

- Make your home a ‘reader friendly home’ by having lots of books, magazines, comics/graphic novels, newspapers. Look in local second-hand shops or fairs for books
- Ask your child to give their opinion and talk about why they think that
- Encourage your child to read and re-read favourite books. Re-reading helps with fluency, expression and comprehension
- Talk every day about things that are happening at home, school, or in the neighbourhood. Add interesting words into the discussion
- Play games with sounds and letters for example. ‘Can you guess what word is h-a-t ?
- BE A ROLE MODEL – LET YOUR CHILD SEE YOU ENJOYING READING. Talk about what you are reading

- If your child isn’t sure of a word use the “Pause, Prompt, Praise” technique
- Wait a few seconds. Give them time to think. Often they will work it out by themselves (Pause)
- If they still don’t know the word, try a couple of the following – look at the beginning of the word, talk about the letters and sounds and words that would make sense in the sentence; encourage your child to look for clues in the pictures; ask your child to go back to the beginning of the sentence or to read on to the end of the sentence (Prompt)
- If they still don’t know the word, tell them. Then encourage your child to read the sentence again. Praise your child.

Adapted from the New Zealand Ministry of Education parent link: